

In short

This table contains information about the users associated to a company. It allows to easily retrieve their ids, role and permissions in the data sharing.

This table is suited for incremental ingestion with an ETL tool. For standard data analysis, use schema pennylane.

In Pennylane, it is possible to give access to a company’s data to multiple users. Each user is associated to a role that gives them permissions to access and perform actions on the different modules and features of the application.

This table contains the list of users that have access to a company, as well as their role and their eligibility to use data sharing feature.

Available Columns



ID of the user in the Pennylane app. This ID is used to identify the user in the other data models.



Unique ID of the company on Pennylane, referring to


character varying

Company's display name on Pennylane. This name may differ from the legal registration name. This name is used for display and search in the application.


character varying

Email address of the user.


character varying

First name of the user.


character varying

Last name of the user.



Last date of activity of the user on Pennylane. In case a user has never logged in, the value is NULL. In case a user belongs to several companies, the value is the last activity date related to any of the companies.


character varying

Role of the user when accessing a company. This role determines the permissions the user has in the data sharing.
Examples: "employee", "internal_accountant", "purchasing_manager"



ID of the accounting firm the company belongs to. When the accounting is managed internally and not by an accounting firm, the value is NULL.


character varying

Name of the accounting firm the company belongs to. When the accounting is managed internally and not by an accounting firm, the value is NULL.



true the user has the right to activate and use the data sharing feature. false the user does not have the right to activate and use the data sharing feature. This is determined by the user's role. The feature must be activated for the user to be able to use it.


timestamp without time zone

Date and time when the user was created on Pennylane.


timestamp without time zone

Date and time when the user was last updated on Pennylane.


timestamp without time zone

Date and time when the user's information was last synchronised with Pennylane's application.


timestamp without time zone

Date and time when the user was deleted. If the user is not deleted, the value is NULL.

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Page last modified: Mar 7 2025 at 09:32 AM.