
In short

Portfolio of companies accessible on Pennylane. This table includes basic information allowing to easily identify entities accross all tools used by an accounting firm.

A company represents a legal entity managed on Pennylane. Each company is uniquely identified by its Pennylane id, as well as its official registration_number (SIREN).

Most tables in the pennylane schema hold a company_id column that refers to, and allows to identify which records belong to which company. More information on a company can be found in table pennylane.companies). In some cases, the accounting firm can decide to use their own ID to identify the company, different from its registration number or Pennylane’s internal ID. That can be the case for instance, if they decide to use the ID assigned in their CRM, or the ID generated by the previous accounting software they were using. In those cases, the firm can utilize the external_id column from this table to find the map between their own ID and Pennylane’s ID, and use the latter to identify the company in the other tables.

Available Columns




Unique ID identifying the company on Pennylane.
Examples: 100094, 21847061


character varying

Company's display name on Pennylane. This name may differ from the legal registration name.




Unique ID of the accounting firm managing the company.


character varying


Name of the accounting firm managing the company.


character varying

Company's trade name on Pennylane. This name may differ from the legal registration name and the display name in Pennylane (see name).


character varying

Company's official registration number (SIREN).


character varying

VAT number of the company, if applicable.


character varying

Company's external ID used by the accounting firm to refer to the company in other softwares. This ID is used to simplify managing the data associated with the company in the different programs used by the firm (CRM, Pennylane, ...). Users simply need to enter this ID in Pennylane during the initial setup of the company in Pennylane.


character varying

Email address of the accountant in charge of the company. This email address is used to send notifications to the accountant when the company's data is updated.


character varying

Email address of the accounting manager in charge of the company.


character varying

Email address of the firm manager in charge of the company.


timestamp without time zone

Last update date of the company on Pennylane.

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Page last modified: Jan 31 2025 at 11:27 AM.